Last updated: 2/13/2025

How to setup clinkclang in your project.


pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest init

When prompted, enter your project name:

What is the name of your project?
> clinkclang-project    # default
> .                     # use current directory
> my-custom-name        # or type a custom name

Configure clinkclang.json

You will be asked a question about where you want to store your library files.

1. Where do you want to store your library files? > lib

Adding Components

pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest add agent-core
pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest add agent-evals-llm-as-judge
pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest add agent-examples
pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest add agent-functions
pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest add workflows
pnpm dlx clinkclang@latest add workflows-examples